
About Modafinil (old)

What is Modafinil?

“The world’s first safe smart drug”– The Guardian

Modafinil (AKA Provigil) has been around for over 17 years and marketed in over 20 countries to treat disorders such as chronic fatigue.

Modafinil decreases fatigue, increases vigilance, improves memory and reaction time while improving motivation and mood. In fact, it’s so effective that governments around the world are using it for their military, medical and space exploration programs.

Is Modafinil safe?

Zero recorded deaths in 17 years.

With over 1300 studies conducted, it’s considered well tolerated by humans, with no known deaths recorded in its 17 years of use in over 20 countries.

Modafinil has a “very low abuse potential” with 90% of use being “off-label” by healthy individuals. “…it appears to be well-tolerated, with a low rate of adverse events and a low liability to abuse.

Who Uses Modafinil?

Doctors, astronauts, military, academics, medics…

Right now, even astronauts aboard the International Space Station are using Modafinil to “optimize performance while fatigued”.

As of 2012 Modafinil was the only approved “go pill” within the US Airforce. With further documented use within the Indian Air ForceFrench Foreign LegionUK Ministry of Defence, and US Tactical Paramedics – it’s no wonder this powerful nootropic is going mainstream.

Why so popular?

“1 in 5 students have taken Modafinil”

It’s clinically proven to help with motivationreaction time, and alertness. On top of all this, it also increases enjoyment and well-being towards a given task.

.…..powerful combination!

Why do so many buy Modafinil from an online Modafinil pharmacy? Because it’s difficult to dispute 17 years of robust, repeated, double-blind clinical trials.

It's only my first day on modafinil and what an impact it has made! My head is crystal clear, no confusion, no negative feelings or procrastination.

Joe Moritz

This medicine is literally a life changer. It has improved my life to the point that my friends and family members have been commenting on how great I sound.

Claire Atkins

Modafinil helps me feel human. I have had major depression since I was 15 years old. Finally something worked.

Sam Morgan